Once upon a time.

 Once Upon a time there was a girl, 

Everyone told the girl that she was a boy.   

She tried to be a girl but every time she did, the grownups would yell at her and the other children would make fun of her. 

So the girl created a boy that she could stand to be. 

She lived as that boy all the time.  

In time she even learned to be happy living as that boy, but the girl still wished she could be part of the world too, so she was confused.  

When she looked for answers, there were none.  The language for her did not yet exist and everything she could find told her that she was a bad person.  So she decided to just be the boy all the time. 

She was that boy for so long that she forgot she was a girl. 

The boy grew up.  He played football. He went to school.  He got a job, got married, had kids, and built a world for his family.

One day the boy dared to look into the dark place he always was afraid to look and found the girl there, she was caged, suffocated, and suffering in darkness.  

Because he was a kind boy, he opened the cage, and had a long talk with her.  He said he was sorry for keeping her in that cage and offered her all of his existence.  

But the girl saw the world that the boy had made.  She loved his family and could feel his joy at being the boy.  The boy had lived for too long to go away now. 

So the boy and the girl decided to live together as one person and share this world. 


One day, I will sign this story as Katie, and as the name of the Boy, and show it to people. 

And that is how I will come out. 

It may be tomorrow,

It may be never. 

But that is my story in brief. 

In the beginning I may have just been the girl, it’s so long ago that I don’t remember anymore.  But, today I am also the boy. 

I am Nonbinary.  I am Genderfluid. I am Transgender. 


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